

Rotor with Webbing Loops / incl. fitting

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Rotor with webbing loops for Rescu systems (inc fitting)

In emergency situations ULs and hanggliders can develop a spinning motion thus wrapping up the rescue system. The Rotor prevents this.
We recommend, that you let your system manufacturer sew in the Rotor at the end of the canopy lines in the main bridle strap. This can best be carried out at the next pack-inspection. Equipped with loops, the Rotor can be integrated into the end of the main parachute strap by the pilot himself.

Weight only 120 g, 3 sets of bearings, tested up to 5000 kg breaking load, DHV-certified and recommended for all Charly hangglider- and UL rescue systems, if built-in by the manufacturer.

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Rotor with Webbing Loops / incl. fitting
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